Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA)
Metro-North Railroad (MNCR)

Brookville Equipment Corporation BL20GH:

Kurz nach der Ankunft in Danbury, Connecticut / USA ist hier Lok Nummer 114 zu sehen.

Locomotive number 114 can be seen here shortly after arriving in Danbury, Connecticut / USA.

General Electric (GE) Genesis P32AC-DM:

In Danbury, Connecticut / USA stand am 31. Mai 2018 Lok Nummer 211 neben den dort ansässigen Eisenbahnmuseum. Sie wird in kürze Ihren Personenzug nach New York Grand Central Station auf der New Haven Line befördern.

On May 31, 2018, locomotive number 211 stood in Danbury, Connecticut / USA next to the railway museum located there. She will shortly carry her passenger train to New York Grand Central Station on the New Haven Line.